The transfer of the Indian Science into Arabic

The transfer of the Indian Science into Arabic D . Suhaib world * Since the dawn of Islam movement began translator for other languages ​​into Arabic , and included the Persian , Indian and Greek in the fields of Arts and Sciences all . While Muslims have taken from past civilizations , this does not diminish their business , because the translator was a stage of scientific innovation Islamic , and these stages are: transportation , translation , first, and then the explanation and interpretation, secondly , Criticism and correction , Third, and finally the stage of Addition and Innovation . According to what the Arab civilization of the Indian knowledge ? The interaction of civilizations, cultures and literature and the arts in the life of nations is normal. And still give and take those in charge of this area between India and the Arab world since ancient times . India was known to the Arabs long ago , there is no doubt that the business networking between them as old as history itself . Has maintained that both nations , Vhzit cultural relations between India and the Arab world, the same attention . When he started writing science , two areas have seen a significant development in relations that linked communication between them . According to the history that scientists and sages and Indian doctors had met with a large number in the capital of the Islamic caliphate , in the era of the Abbasid caliphs , particularly in the reigns of Harun al-Rashid and his son safe , and it was those who reported great benefit from the School of troops Sabor in Arabic and Persian , and thus have provided invaluable services in the transfer of the Indian Science into Arabic . Among the most prominent of these scholars Kinka Indian , and Saleh Bin Bahlh , and the son of fat , and Snaghl Indian , and Bazykr , and Qlriql , and Sndbaz , and many others . He wrote that Ibn al-Nadim of scientists from India arrived to us was written in the stars and medicine , such as Bakahr , Convenience , agitator , Dahir , Inco , Znkl , Erichael , Jbehr , Andi , and Jabari .. Since the dawn of Islam movement began translator for other languages ​​into Arabic , and spread to India in the late first century , and resumed in the middle of the second century , then became active again in the fifth century AH . Some historians and stated that India " known for the account and the secrets of astrology and medicine " ( bigeye ) , and that " India them know the account and the line of the Indian and the secrets of medicine and disease treatment obscene .... " ( Isfahani ) . It is said that the fractions Anushirwan Brzuih doctor sent to India to evoke the books and works in medicine and returned a lot of them , but the story of Panchatantra moved from India to the transfer of part of Brzuih books , in addition to a game of chess . When engaged Muslims and translated into Arabic, Persian , among them the parts were taken from the culture of the Indians and their education , and some of the translators , such as flavored Indian , and the son of Indian fat , transfer of Sanskrit (which originally Indian language ) directly into Arabic . It is science that taking the Muslims for the Indians : astronomy, medicine and mathematics. The figures used in the calculation of the world is now taken for Indian Muslims and Muslims moved to the West . Many books have been translated into Arabic, Indian , and including, for example , the book " Schert Nohta " which was the first book of Indian Medicine was translated into Arabic . The author has studied medicine at the hands of " Dieudas ." This book is unrivaled in the Arab book of the law to Ibn Sina . Arab historians have been mentioned as " Ssrd " , as mentioned by some historians as the Book of the Arabs " trap " and " Circus " ( mentioned in the " Catalog " and " Eyes news " in the history of Yacoubi ) . This book has been translated from Sanskrit into Persian , then he translated from Persian into Arabic Abdullah bin Ali . Some historians argue that the translator is " Kinka Indian ." There is also the book " involve Nohta " written by famous doctor " engage " , and was in the king's entourage , known as " Kinsk " in India . The two worlds of his contemporaries " Naga Rngen " skilled in the science of chemistry , and " Ashok Hoch ." The book toxins to author real " Changkeh " which he called the Arabs " Hanaq " , and was a minister for " Chandr LGBT Moreh ," who wrote about Ibn Abi Osabah in the " eyes of the news " : " It is well-known also from doctors India Hanaq , and has had treatments and experiences of many in the industry Medicine and Science in fancy , and wisdom , and was proficient in astrology , good speech, ahead of when the kings of India. " Arabs of the most important feats in various sciences in the Islamic period they picked Indian numerals ( 1 to 9 ) to the Arabic language , which spread to all other countries by them , and the numbers were written in the Arab countries and other country other characters. The Arabs call the Indian numerals , because they found it from the people of India . The people of Europe Fasmunha arabic numerals because the math and got them from the Arabs . The first of these received the flag on the Indian numerals from the Arabs is Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi , so there is a special branch account is said in English Algorism because they took him for the algorithm. Arabs have succeeded in extracting useful rules of mathematics concerning the matters astronomical was unable including Greeks , Kalmthelthat career ( see: " astronomy and the history of the Arabs " to Carlo Nleno ) . This flag came from the way India , and comes from the first book of Sanskrit known as " Barham Sdand ​​," written by " Barham LGBT " , the author of India witty Science multiple , and has had thirty years of age only , and gave him in the year 824 AD to the King " Dyaker Mocha . " Alagafti wrote about the arrival of this book to Baghdad . The chemistry of great learning among the Arabs , who laid out in this section many books , and reach the peak of perfection in Europe due to the chemistry of these books mainly . Credited with the invention of chemistry to the Persians in general , but Ibn al-Nadim join them people of Greece , India and China . This suggests that the effects of this science has been lingering in this country a long time ago . In the art of war policy was not transferred from Indian to Arabic only three books . The first book in the Indian Hanaq is managing the war and should be taken to the king of men ; book and the second in command Alosawrh , food and poison ; book Bajhr Indian Frasat swords and called her and their attributes and their fees and markings . In India, there are raised as science , like all other sciences , since ancient time ; did not appear as science came into existence in Arabic and other languages ​​only after a long time. It was narrated from the beginning of the Peronist flag as proceed from the novel and strange all agree that approval of the novel narrated from Abu Black as in international and upbringing . Furthermore, as science , the Arabs have a definite desire in the Indian prosody . The Peronist shed lights on this issue detailed in the books , most recently : " It is possible that Khalil bin Ahmed had heard that India's balance in poetry as thought by some people ." It is worth mentioning that Khalil bin Ahmed may have benefited from the Indians , but there is no doubt that he benefited greatly from the Sanskrit linguistic science . In any case, the benefit obtained by the Arabic language, linguistics and literature of India is very large. It is the books that have been translated into Arabic for the Indian in the field of medicine : the book " The Circus " and has been translated into Persian first and then from Persian into Arabic by Abdullah bin Ali . The book " Ssrd " Flavored transferred from Persian Yahya bin Khalid Barmaki . The book "The names of drugs India " Flavored transferred from Isaac Ben Solomon . The book, " denounced the mosque " was narrated by Ibn fat Indian . It is known that doctors India Nbgua in the use of medicinal herbs to cure a lot of ills was transferred Muslims a lot about the benefits of herbs for the Indians , and some of these herbs are not unknown to the Greeks because they do not sprout only in the regions of India and East Asia , and is said to Khalid bin Yahya Barmaki bring some doctors India such as : Flavored , and Qlbriql , and Sinbad .. The contact Indian civilization accompanied Arabization many of the terms , names such as ginger , camphor , and bamboo , and pepper .. Among the books translated into Arabic in the science of the birth of the book " Secrets of birth " to the author Kinkh Indian mentioned in my book " Catalog " and " the eyes of the news ," and the book " birth " written by Cooder Indian , and the book "The birth great ," written Sincl Indian , and "The Book of birth " to the author Brahmr . There are a significant number of Indian books that have been translated into Arabic , as a book " treatments pregnant ," and the book "The names of drugs India " to Kinkh Indian , and Indian books translated into Arabic , there is also a book in treatments for women, which was written by a doctor India " Rosa " mentioned in the book, " the index ." Razi benefited from this book he mentioned in his works . The book Toakecnl / Nsnl developed by an Indian doctor named " Toakecnl ." * Writer and academic from India


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