In the fall the big reasons for the rule of " Brotherhood "

D . Suleiman Al-Attar * Review by the reality of a full year of the reign of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt , on the basis of changes considered historical began laying a number of rules . From the demise of the regimes which are based on ideology , and the conviction that the system based on ideology is bound to be oppressive and totalitarian , even came from the way a democratic through democratic elections , and it is distributed in the state job positions and sensitive to the group ideology , and therefore less qualified , as needed it, and retracts the foundations of modern management . There may be a fourth base spawned the modern history , an attempt ideological people . But to return to the first rule , which is the demise of the regimes which are based on ideology , and that lead to the spread of corruption , it is noted that this phenomenon did not disturb them state throughout history , what 's new here ? What is new is rampant corruption to some extent weaken the state and exhaustion . The second rule lead to fear as a result of state terrorism and suppression of frightening , especially that the system in this case creates a security apparatus of his men ; are not their only inspection in pronouns , and the use of violence and torture against opponents, and stopped and imprisoned , as well as the state owns the judiciary, he is condemned what they want , assisted in the fabrication versatility security issues , and the achievement of political assassinations . The third rule , they engaged the first increase in the exacerbation of the phenomenon of corruption , where the staff is not afraid of any control , because the types of control are concentrated in the cultural and political side to protect the system , it also supports inefficiency ( second base ) , which leads to the failure of the state. The fourth rule , they are directing education and information about Alodljp , and brainwashing , which eliminates the quality of education and the media's independence and impartiality . But the state does not ideological fall on their own , but faced mounting resistance at home , next to external challenges and plots to overthrow , because he sees the near and distant countries that are affected contagious epidemic , and that due to his quest to spread its ideology beyond its borders. And external challenges that make many of the world powers to support the internal resistance . The strongest examples of the fall here is the fall of the empire of the Soviet Union , the fall of the systems and the countries that were orbiting the Soviets believes Baediologithm . But all previous regimes fell after a long time , something that raises an important question : How regime fell Brotherhood in Egypt so quickly astronomical ? Here Bmatyate actually contribute in advancing the historical bases for the expeditious work . Consider the image and the reality of a full year of the reign of the Muslim Brotherhood , in a short span of time , hardly calculated at the age of nations . The first elements that may not put many in mind, is the ugliness of their organization , which began alienated by children in particular , the lack of full taste in clothes , and a way of wearing , the proliferation of non- regular hair beards without pruning , or fine tune , do not care at all -haired head, Zabiba mediated swollen forehead, frown face in a permanent grimace unjustified , did not affect any of my brothers that the commander Lafter mouth smile , arrogance exaggerated pronunciation Bmtalqat claim they separated say , waving hands and fingers , to disregard the other end contempt. The political movements and style of speech , and behavior , and moves and housing , which learn premeditated politicians in the developed world in order to lay down their acceptance , while he thought Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood that Althafehm Islam , and their claim piety in what looks like a television advertising was in their cause for admission , but the features of the president of the Muslim Brotherhood , which Yemen by the Egyptians that he knows the Koran . The second element of election promises is executable , and have promised to implement project called Renaissance project , its implementation begins on the day following the victory of President , a project for the development of Egypt's budget of $ 200 billion has been agreed with a number of global companies at the expense of its advancement . Then project the first hundred days in which he promised to clean up President voters Cairo , and security next to other things . The President shall rule and declare without shame that the project was a Renaissance fantasy propaganda does not exist, and the Hundred Days pass without accomplishing something , but passing year , people did not receive from the Government of the Brotherhood any good . Project is the only one who succeeded in the Muslim Brotherhood , is what they called the Empowerment Project Bojuna State . Brotherhood leaders have been planted for each state institutions , even thousands of schools they have been appointed directors of the Muslim Brotherhood , did not see the people in the new leaders only incompetence , arrogance and corruption . This has contributed in acquiring a high degree of hatred of a wide range of state employees with control and dominate the masses , and also grew up relationships between these leaders and ordinary citizens and businessmen based on the methods of corruption is obvious who got the smell of rotten people , and here I am thinking they grant the elements of the Muslim Brotherhood right of monopoly certain areas , and in preference to other bids . It also says former President Hosni Mubarak, the Brotherhood is not some of them fit to be a statesman, never , and then Vchksah President of the Muslim Brotherhood were not convincing , and his speeches appeared as a kind of mental confusion and turmoil . So the president, who did not succeed in his presidency cut the umbilical cord that links it Bjamaath , 's behavior all the time on that head - as he put it - to family and clan, not a big country like Egypt . The president also chose the prime minister without the prestige nor packs , it grew worse , and Ameht prestige of the state completely , but almost disappear . The owner of that insecurity caused by a failure to apply the law to all of the brothers or belongs to Islam political pro , and the owner of the penetration of the Judiciary, and the appointment of a deputy in illegal , collapsed justice collapse of a real lack of impartiality of the Attorney General , and symbolically surrounded militias highest court in Egypt , a court the Supreme Constitutional , people no longer feel safe on themselves and on their symptoms and their money. On the occasion of the militias that surrounded the Constitutional Court , the Government has the paramilitary forces have no official status will classify people as an illegitimate government . Those militias surrounded the Media Production City with the prosecution of journalists on charges of insulting the president or defamation of religions , which muzzled mouths and mobilized the media against the government . Those militias wreaked havoc as well, and cut off roads and attacked the offices of the parties , and objected to peaceful demonstrations were killed and defamation . The reaction was all that people began violent , and facing militias , and limit the danger and apostasies . Diminished the role of the security forces , the judiciary and people's lives were filled with emptiness . In addition to all this, misconduct economic ale , led to a rise crazy prices , lower credit rating for Egypt , and the high scary for inflation , and shortages of food and fuel , and the deterioration in the level of reserves of hard currency , and the arrival of the Egyptian pound to a state of exhaustion against foreign currencies . It also shut down many factories, crops, livestock perished for lack of fuel to raise the water to irrigate the land , bringing the unemployment rate , and the percentage of those below the poverty line . The straw that broke the camel's back in the latest achievements of the Muslim Brotherhood , was to attack the culture, art and heritage contempt pharaonic heritage and considered a pagan should get rid of it . The challenge faced intellectuals and artists is resisting an attempt to eliminate the outrageous Egyptian identity , especially with the frequency of the words on the alienation of the land , and call for foreign militias Sinai , and the trend towards the rapid destruction of the structures of the civil state . So in March intellectuals occupied longer sit through the Ministry of Culture . The January 25 revolution has failed, and attributed the people's failure to tricks of the Brotherhood and their alliance with the West , but that revolution has achieved a stunning achievement , a disarming the fear of the power of the issuance of the Egyptians , but it is nothing to raise panic people , so they decided to restore their revolution has assembled fret strong against the Brotherhood , and came to 33 million Egyptian street on June 30, and all of them confidence in their ability to change the entire universe , and ordered the army to isolate Mursi in a long story and novel worth recording, but that is another topic needs to be a separate article . * Starter from Egypt


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