
Showing posts from April, 2014

Somaliland constitution and independence endorsed

afrol News, 5 June - The support of the new Somaliland Constitution and thereby independence in last week's referendum was almost universal. As the self-declared independent Somaliland government of northwestern Somalia published the final results, it showed over 97 percent had voted in support. As the new constitution in its first paragraph contains the clause, which confirms Somaliland's independence, the referendum indirectly, also was about this issue. Somaliland declared unilateral independence in May 1991, but has so far received no overt international recognition. Somaliland draws its independence claims from the fact that Italian and British Somalia were two separate colonies, and that Somaliland was independent before entering into a union with (Italian) Somalia in 1960. Abdi Idris Du'ale, press secretary to Somaliland's President Muhammad Ibrahim Egal, yesterday said that the results were announced at a ceremony in the Somaliland parliament, and will be off...


THE UNION OF SOMALILAND AND SOMALIA LAW Reproduced by MOHAMED OSMAN OMAR. DEAR READERS, PLEASE NOTE: This is a copy from the original reprint. We express our apology for any typing error or involuntary omission. Source: THE SOMALILAND GAZETTE THE SOMALILAND GAZETT E Published under the authority of the Council of Ministers Vol.1, No. 3, HARGEISA, 5th July, 1960. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUPPLEMENT No. 2 (Containing a Law) LAW No. 1. The Union of Somaliland and Somalia Law _________ Supplement No. 2 to the Somaliland Gazette, Vol. I No. 3, dated 5th July 1960 Containing Law LAW No. 1 of 1960 Assented to by the Council of Ministers Mogadiscio, 5th July 1960 Mohamed Ibrahim Egal Ahmed Haji Dualeh ...

The Republic of Somaliland President's speech in Joint Meeting of Guurti and Parliament

In the name of Allah the most merciful the most gracious: Thanks to Allah, prayers and peace be upon his prophets and messengers. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Speaker, Honorable Members of both houses, Honorable leaders of the National Parties, esteemed guests and members of the Media, I say to you Peace and Blessings be upon you all. Mr. Chairman and Honorable members ; On behalf of my government, I extend my appreciation and congratulations to both houses for the excellent working relationship we have established in the past years. This demonstrates how the Institutions of the Government are working to address the challenges that face our people and this nation. Furthermore; my deepest gratitude goes to the brave people of Somaliland for their undying devotion and patriotism to protect and advance the interest and the causes of this nation, and for their support to this government. Mr. Chairman and Honorable members; I am here with you today to address a joint meeting of both Houses as required...

The Number of Somaliland Ministries

The ultimate decision-making body of the Executive within our government The Government of the Republic of Somaliland is composed of the 26 Ministries. The ministries are formed to carry out the operations of the respective departments, these are headed by the Cabinet Ministers are who are selected primarily from the elected members of Parliament by the President. 1-Government Department 2-Ministry of Presidential Affairs 3-Ministry of Industry 4-Ministry of Planning and Development 5-Ministry of Health 6-Ministry of Commerce & Investment 7-Ministry of Post & Telecommunications 8-Ministry of Public Works, Housing & Transportation 9-Ministry of Religion 10-Ministry of Fishery 11-Ministry of Agriculture 12-Ministry of Information & Culture 13-Ministry of Interior 14-Ministry of Rehabilitation 15-Ministry Foreign Affairs 16-Ministry of Finance 17-Ministry of Education 18-Ministry of Defence 19-Ministry of Livestock 20-Ministry of Justice 21-M...


The Republic of Somaliland is a sovereign state in the Horn of Africa sharing its borders with Republic of Djibouti, Federal Republic of Ethiopia and Somalia to the east. The country is known of its mountain ranges rising up to seven thousand feet and the are the earliest human artifacts, dating from before 3000 BC. Somaliland is located north of the Equator, thus the sun passes vertically overhead twice a year and it has a coastal line to the north extending 460 miles along the Red Sea. The former British Somaliland Protectorate achieved its full independence from the United Kingdom in 1960, it has a population of about 3.5 million people and it is about the size of England and Wales. The main language spoken is Somali, English and Arabic are also prominent. The country has one of the most thriving economies in Africa, agriculture being the back borne especially livestock, the production of cereals and horticulture. It also has a hugely div...

Somaliland Independence Day: Sunday 18 May 2014

On Sunday 18 May, 3.5 million residents of the self-declared Republic of Somaliland will join with diaspora communities around the world to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of their independence. This year celebrations will be slightly different. For the first time, in a great break of tradition, communities across Somaliland, and diaspora groups around the world including in the UK, U.S.A, Australia, Sweden, Belgium, Kenya, will be raising funds to build and improve Somaliland’s national road system. Somaliland is the first country in the world where crowd-sourcing is being used to fund major infrastructure projects. Somaliland’s uncertain status has made it difficult to attract development funding and investment via traditional means. So far donations and pledges have amounted to more 7 million dollars. All donations are being matched by the government. Government officials are also donating a proportion of their salaries to the campaign. On Independence Day, President Silanyo wil...

Watch Video: Aljazira reports Live 18 May “Somaliland marks 22 years of independence”

Somaliland Constitutional History – 1946 to 1960

The Somaliland Protectorate was of course governed directly by the Queen’s representative, the Governor, who exercised all legislative and executive powers. In 1946, an Advisory Council was established. This consisted of 48 selected members representing all the districts and the sections of the community. It had no executive or legislative power and only met usually once a year. The Council’s main purpose was “to stimulate the interest of the people themselves in the administration of the country and the in the collection and expenditure of public funds” (Touval, S Somali Nationalism, Harvard University Press, 1963, at page 107). Selection to the Council took the form of nominations made at clan meetings, with the District Commissioner aiming to “ensure that a reasonably representative body of delegates is sent from each District” (Lewis, IM The Modern History of Somaliland Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1965 at page 279). The Somaliland (Constitution) Order in Council 1955 was m...

Historic Voter Registration

It appears 2009 was a great year for Somaliland democracy as the voter registration had successfully completed by the National Electoral Commission in all six regions of Somaliland: Saaxil, Awdal, Maroodi Jeex (Hargeisa) Toghdeer, Sanaag and Sool. This unique program in African history remained defiant and undeterred by the heinous Al-Shabaab/Al Qaeda inspired terrorist attacks of Oct 29 2008 in Hargeisa which were aimed to shatter Somaliland dreams of achieving recognition through peaceful good governance and development in a region where such noble ideals cannot be taken for granted. To insure the validity of the process and the accuracy of the voter’s eligibility across the Republic of Somaliland, indelible ink, biometric technology, i.e. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) were used. The process outcome will be certified after careful review within the next few weeks. Citizens who registered obtained: a civil ID card and a voter registration card. An additional 15 da...

The UNIQUE Case for the International Recognition of the Republic of Somaliland

The Republic of Somaliland re-asserted its sovereignty in May 1991 after a thirty year union with neighbouring Somalia which culminated in a long civil war and genocidal attacks on the people of Somaliland. Somaliland is not a region which has seceded from a country, but is a state, which was, for a brief period in 1960 an independent country known as the but hastily united voluntarily with another state (Somalia) and then ended that union, albeit unilaterally, in 1991. Reduced to a practical level, “recognition is an authoritative statement issued by competent foreign policy decision-makers in a country so as to signal the willingness of their state to treat with a new state or to accept that factual or legal consequences flow from a new situation”. Despite the traditional international law debates of whether recognition was declaratory in nature or constitutive and the allied criteria for statehood, these no longe...


The international boundaries of the Republic of Somaliland are set out in Article 2 of the Somaliland Constitution as follows: “Article 2: The Territory of the Republic of Somaliland 1. The territory of the Republic of Somaliland covers the same area as that of the former Somaliland Protectorate and is located between Latitude 8’ to 11’ 30’ north of the equator and Longitude 42’ 45 to 49’ East; and consists of the land, islands, and territorial water above and below the surface, the airspace and the continental shelf. 2. The Republic of Somaliland is bordered by the Gulf of Aden to the north; Somalia to the east; the Federal Republic of Ethiopia to the south and the west; and the Republic of Djibouti to the north west. 3. The territory of the nation is inviolable, and shall not be trespassed upon.” This map of the Somaliland Protectorate and consequently of the independent STATE OF SOMALILAND, and. since 1991, the REPUBLIC OF SOMALILAND sets out clearly the intern...

Somaliland :1884-1898

The northern coast of present-day Somalia has always been of interest for strategic and commercial reasons because of its location near the Bab El Mandeb straight at the entrance to the Red Sea. In the mid-16th century the great Ottoman Empire annexed the port of Zeila and provided protection, at a cost collected through customs and other charges, for Arab, Persian and Indian merchants who serviced the trade requirements of the surrounding area and the Abyssinian hinterland. In 1870 the ambitious Khedive Ismael I of Egypt, whose country was nominally part of the Ottoman Empire, obtained the Ottoman Sultan’s authorized rights over Zeila in exchange for paying an annual fee of sterling pounds 18,000. Left: A map showing the strategic importance of Somaliland The Khedive also dispatched a force to occupy Harrar in the interior, and acquired the coast between Bulhar and Berbera without reference to the Sultan. Egyptian occupation of the region continued (Khedive Ismael even briefly occu...

Today In History: On May 18, 1991, Somaliland Became A Nation For The Second Time

If a nation declares its independence, and successfully holds its territory for two decades, engaging in peaceful internal elections, developing its people and resources, and even participating in ongoing regional security efforts, doesn’t that make it a nation? If not, what would? Somaliland declared its independence from Somalia on May 18, 1991. Siad Barre, a bloodthirsty and meglomaniacal dictator, had killed tens of thousands of Somaliland citizens, used fighter jets to strafe and bomb civilians, and largely destroyed the infrastructure of the area during a civil war that started in the 1980s, and that ultimately ended up in his death and the collapse of central Somali authority, it being impossible to hold Somalia together without overwhelming military force, something no warlord or Sharia courts or weak Transitional Federal Government has been able to achieve in the last two decades. Just as the international community (including the United States) propped up Barre’s dictator...

The Coca Cola Diplomacy, Coming of Age, Independence Party

Coca Cola Implicitly Recognizes Somaliland Independence In a very significant move, Coca-Cola has granted a second “national” franchise to cover the de facto states of Somaliland in addition to the defunct franchise granted to the defunct central authority in Mogadishu, Somaliland247 reports [1]. Doing so means that Coca-Cola has given implicit recognition of the Somaliland by including it separately from the rest of Somalia, a move that promises economic development in an area where growth and development have been hindered because of geopolitical problems. The license was granted by Coca-Cola in late 2010, after long being denied, to Ahmed Guelleh, owner of Somaliland Beverage Industries. Mr. Guelleh is a member of a family-based trading operation whose $5 a year import/export firm deals in exporting such diverse products as oats and frankincense and importing tires, serving as the Somaliland representative of DHL, and now serving as Somaliland’s Coca-Cola franchise. In order t...