صوماليلاند.. عدم الاعتراف الدولي لا يحجب ثقل التأثير منذ إعلانها الاستقلال نهائيًا عن الصومال في 1991، كانت صوماليلاند محط أنظار قوى إقليمية، عربية وإفريقية على السواء، رغم عدم حصولها حتى الآن على الاعتراف الدولي. وساهمت تجربة الانفصال بالاعتماد الكلي على المبادرات المحلية، بعيدًا عن أي تدخلات أجنبية في بناء المؤسسات وتداول السلطة من خلال انتخابات حرة دون انتظار القروض أو المنح الدولية، فضلاً عن القدرة على فرض الأمن والاستقرار وتجاوز الحرب الأهلية وتجنب التطرف والإرهاب، في جذب الاستثمارات وتدافع القوى الإقليمية في الشرق الأوسط وشرق إفريقيا، على الإقليم الواقع على حافة القرن الإفريقي. اهتمام إقليمي ___________ على مدار الأشهر الماضية، كان لصوماليلاند دور في التجاذبات على صعيد الملفات المشتعلة، سواء في إفريقيا مثل ملف سد النهضة، أو حتى الدخول على خط الأزمة بين الصين وتايوان بإقامة علاقات دبلوماسية رسمية مع الأخيرة رغم اعتراض بكين. دخول صوماليلاند والتي تُعرف أيضًا بـ “أرض الصومال”، على خط أزمة سد النهضة، بدأ مع إعلان نيتها الدخول كوسيط في المفاوضات، وهو ما كشفت عنه إثيوبيا على لسان ...
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Waa Taxane 9 Qaybood Ah oo Aan ku Falanqayndoono Waxay Xeeldheerayaasha Caalamku Kayidhaahdeen “Badda CAS ayaa had iyo jeer ahayd goobta lagu ciyaaro awoodaha dalalka ku loolamaya gacan ku haynta. Laga soo bilaabo safarradii hore ee Masaarida ilaa Punt land, ilaa Roomaanka kuwaas oo aasaasay doorkooda halbowlaha muhiimka ah ee ganacsiga Bariga. Maantana, hoosteeda degganaanta iyo biyaha turquoise-ka, waxay ku sii socotaa isbeddel joogto ah iyadoo ciyaartoydeeda gobolka iyo kuwa dibadda ka yimid ay ku tartamayaan fursad ay ku sugaan danahooda. Halbowlaha istiraatijiyadeed wuxuu noqon karaa labadaba iftiinka nabadda ama kicinta burburka. Waxaan ku eegeynaa dhaqdhaqaaqeeda isbedbeddelaya ee taxanahan gaarka ah.” Masar, Sacuudi Carabiya, iyo Suudaan iskaashigooda Badda CAS iyo Geeska Afrika ma khilaaf baa mise waa iskaashiga Badda CAS? Tani waa qaybta 1/9 ee taxanaha Arimahan Aan Ka Hadlidoono: Hadaba Akhriste Si aad si dhibyar ah u fahamto dhaq-dhaqdhaqayaad Ka jira Bada Case iyo Hee...
Somaliland celebrates 31st anniversary of regaining its sovereignty
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Somaliland celebrates 31st anniversary of regaining its sovereignty this year, the Somaliland’s national 18th May 2022 fall on a Wednesday. It is time that the people from all over Somaliland celebrate their independence. Time flies so fast and we are already celebrating the 31st anniversary of Somaliland. According to the Somaliland Diaspora Office, the motto of this years’ celebration is Statehood Recognition & Prosperity. It is our common goal to work together and ensure that Somaliland achieves recognition and prosperity. For this year the people of Somaliland are celebrating their nation’s 31st anniversary while at the same time supporting the victims of the Waheen market fire. Thousands of people lost their businesses and livelihood as a result of the fire that broke out in Waaheen market on the 2nd April 2022. The people of Somaliland have once again shown resilience and unity. Both the people and the Government have shown during the last few weeks to be supportive of each o...
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The world did not consider whether you fulfilled or the LEGAL CASE of statehood, which are: 1. A permanent population The Republic of Somaliland has a population of approximately 3.5 million. Its capital Hargeisa has a permanent estimated at 1.1 million. The nomadic nature of many of Somaliland’s inhabitants, and the consequent flow of the population in and out of the territory, has no impact on the legal definition of permanent population. 2. A defined territory The British protectorate established clearly defined borders for Somaliland by treaties in the 19th century. These borders were confirmed upon Somaliland’s declaration of independence in 1960. The contestation of the eastern border does not invalidate statehood. 3. Effective government Somaliland has a central government which exercises effective control over the majority of its territory. It has held internationally recognized free and fair election, most recently in June 2010, and has effective government institutions ...
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THE LEGAL CASE Historical case Somaliland’s claim for independence is based primarily on historical title – its separate colonial history, a brief period of independence in 1960, the fact that it voluntarily entered into its unhappy union with Somalia and the questionable legitimacy of the 1960 Act of Union. Somaliland’s independence restores the colonial borders of the former British Protectorate of Somaliland and therefore does not violate the principle of uti possidetis – that former colonial borders should be maintained upon independence – which is enshrined in the Consultative Act of the African Union. The separation of fused states into their former territories has precedents in Africa: Egypt and Syria were joined as the United Arab Republic (1958 – 1971). Senegal and Mali were united as the Fédération du Mali (1959 – 1960). Senegal and Gambia were merged in the Sénégambia Confederation (1982 – 1989). Eritrea officially separated from Ethiopia in 1993. Britain granted and recogn...