
Showing posts from June, 2014

Warbixin Kooban Shirkii Beelaha Arab

Waxaan Kaxasusto Shirkii Afgarad 3 Goobta shirku waxaay ahayd magaalo madaxda Gobolka Hawd ee Baligubadle ,Waxay Magaalada Hargeisa Kagabeegantahay Dhinaca Koonfureed oo 60KM ka xigtaa ,Waxaana Mara Xuddood Beenaadka Ay Somaliland Lawadaagto Ethiopia, waa Magaalo Ku suntan Halgankii Dibuxoraynta Dalka ,Islamarka aad Gasho Magaalada Waxaad arkaysaa Aasaartii iyo Calaamadihii Ay katageen Mujaahidiintii SNM ee xoraysay Dalka aaynu kunaaloonayno Maanta ,iyo Waliba Xarumahoodii iyo Goobihii ay ku shirijireen ,Maxaad Dareemaysaa Markaad Dhacqaado Dadka Kunool Baaligubadle ,Soodhawayntii iyo Faxalnimadii ay kaMaragkaceen Halgamayaashii SNM iyo Madaxdooduba , Shirka AFGARAD 3 Waxaa loo Asteeyay Kayn Magaalda ujirta Laba kilomitir ,Waa Goobihii Shirarkii Ururkii SNM kadhicijiray ,Gudida Qabanqaabada Shirka Ayaa si heer sare ah ku Diyaarisay Madasha Shirka , Ujeedada Shirku Waxay Ahayd Sidii Beelaha Arab Ay Aayahooda uga tashan lahaayeen Islamarkaana Looga Shaqaynlahaa Horumarka Dadkooda iyo Da...


From 1981 to May 1988 a harrowing well –planned campaign to eliminate an entire people become, succession of human rights abuse .murder ,detentions ,torture, unfair trails ,confiscation of the land other properties Constrains of freedom of the movement and expression, a strategy of humiliation directly at family life ,at women and elders ,the denial of the equal opportunities ,discriminatory business practices and curfews and checkpoints become daily affaire. Both urban centers and rural communities were targeted ,but it was nomadic population ,who suffered the most ,their men and boys were gunned down ,their women were raped ,their water reservoirs destroyed . and people as well as livestock were blown up by landmines ,and up to day those planted landmines continue to take more lives ,many whom I know lost their loves ones in that war .in the late may 1988,the SNM attacked the towns of Hargiesa and Burco. it was the star of the savage of war against ISAQ civilians which drov...

The Somaliland Currency in 1960

The Somaliland was Recognized Government which has its own currency, Border and Army